Prof. Dr. Janna Hastings

Prof. Dr. Janna Hastings

Assistant Professor of Medical Knowledge and Decision Support, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich; Vice-Director, School of Medicine, University of St. Gallen; Group Leader, Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics

Janna Hastings holds a PhD in Biological Sciences (University of Cambridge, 2019) and Masters in Computer Science (UNISA, 2011) and Philosophy (Open University, 2012). She completed postdoctoral studies at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (2019-2022) working at the intersection between knowledge-based systems and artificial intelligence, at the EPFL (2020-2022) in neurodegenerative disease bioinformatics, and with the Human Behaviour-Change Project at University College London (2017-2022) where she helped to create an artificial intelligence-driven knowledge system for evidence about human behavior change to support decision-making, policy and practice. She joined the University of Zurich and University of St. Gallen in August 2022 as Assistant Professor (tenure-track). The focus of her research is on digitalization in the clinic and how new digital technologies can be harnessed to accelerate biomedical discovery and improve the working lives of clinicians.