Prof. Pedro Marques-Vidal

Prof. Pedro Marques-Vidal

Full Professor; Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Prof. Pedro Marques-Vidal is Full Professor at the Lausanne University Hospital and at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Prior to this position, he was auxiliary professor of nutrition and public health at the Medical Faculty of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, and director of the Escola Superior de Saúde Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, Portugal.

Prof Marques-Vidal received his MD in medical research and his PhD in biochemistry from Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France, and his PhD in epidemiology from Erasmus Medical Centre, University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He also obtained a MSc in physiopathology from the Université Paul Sabatier and a MSc in medical statistics from Université Paris-Sud.

Prof. Marques-Vidal has a 30-year experience in medical research in cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors. He has collaborated in many national and international studies and has (co)authored 600+ scientific papers. He has collaborated in the drafting of several guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology. He is one of the investigators of the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study, the sole prospective study focusing on the epidemiology and determinants of cardiovascular disease in Switzerland. He helped designing and implementing the first Swiss Nutrition Survey and he is a major reference regarding nutrition epidemiology in Switzerland.

Prof. Marques-Vidal has served in several steering committees and international associations, and in the ethics committee of canton Vaud, Switzerland. He has contributed to the implementation of dietetic and nutrition courses in Portugal. He has tutored many PhD, MD and MSc students, and he provides statistical and scientific support to collaborators in the service of internal medicine of the Lausanne university hospital.