Digitally augmented Public Health: A practice-based approach

This course aims to foster clear thinking about the responsible and productive use of new technologies in Public Health and Epidemiology. Participants will learn tools to critically reflect on how technology can serve their goals.

Digitally augmented Public Health: A practice-based approach
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1 ECTS / Certificate of completion

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About the course

Digital technologies such as wearable sensors and generative artificial intelligence in the form of large language models are evolving at a rapid pace. They will likely shape research and practice of Public Health and Epidemiology over the next few years. How can we align the use of such technologies with established principles from Epidemiology and Public Health? What criteria define responsible and impactful use of these new tools?

This course will cover these and related questions with a pragmatic, hands-on approach. We will review the traditional paradigms of Epidemiology and Public Health to examine how they align with novel approaches arising from Data Science. We will try out and scrutinize novel data collection tools to examine their usefulness and accuracy. We will explore the use of large language models – as well as their limitations - for specific public health-related tasks, including finding and reviewing existing studies, as a writing support tool, and for data summarization.

The course will include input lectures and hands-on exercises using freely accessible tools where possible. Ultimately, this course aims to foster clear thinking about the responsible and productive use of new technologies in Public Health and Epidemiology. Participants will learn tools to critically reflect on how technology can serve their goals, rather than the other way around.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Have an understanding of how to align digital methods with core principles of Epidemiology and Public Health;
  • Gain an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of large language models;
  • Be able to critically reflect on the usefulness of novel technologies for Public Health and health care;
  • Have acquired approaches to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams.



Pedagogical methods

  • Input lectures;
  • Practical exercises;
  • Group work.

Pedagogical methods

Assessment procedure

To get the Certificate of completion and the 1 ECTS participants MUST:

  • Attend at least 80% of the course;
  • Attend the plenary offered on the first day of the course;
  • Present completed practical work at the end of each session.

Format description

The facilitators plan to be present in Lugano, and the course will be held entirely on-site. If face-to-face meeting was problematic for unforeseen reasons, the course could be held online or using a hybrid format. The course will take place at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI).

For course pricing information, see here. Discounts are available for participants from LMICs, PhD and Master Students, and Students and Employees from the LSS Partner Universities (SSPH+, USI, SUPSI, and SWISS TPH).  

At a glance
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/ 16:30 CEST 
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1 ECTS / Certificate of completion